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The Islamic Revolution of Iran

14 Nov 2015 - 11:33

Ibrahim Hadidi
When you look at the pictures of those days, the photos speak themselves, as they are revealing moments quite different with other ones. Photographing is the hunt of moments. At times hunter goes for the prey and at times he becomes prey to the hunt himself. And it depends on the moment he is going to capture, a dense moment which is as valuable as a piece of history.
Photography is an art, and photographer views the world with such perspective. When the subject of art is human, the distances disappear. Not only had the Iranians devoted their heart to this task, the American and the European photographers too were playing parts. Gabriel de Gaul, the French photographer was wounded and Alex Maurice lost his life.
When the Generals were holding urgent meetings in Lavizan garrison to carry a coup, they never thought of having only one day to put an end their career. Lieutenant General Badrei never thought that there will come a day that he is entrapped by people in Tehran streets.
The nightmare began when the generals took the city streets instead of war fronts and the people instead of enemy.
Looking at those photos brings the smell of bullets and flowers.

Story Code: 3672

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