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June 21st Uprising, the Expression Of National Solidarity

2 Aug 2015 - 11:13

Discovery of Oil increased the colonial activities of the European in West Asia to provide fuel their factories. The efforts ended in the conclusion of Darcy’s contract under Mozzafaraddin Shah according to which, the Iranian government granted the concession of exploitation of south oil resources for sixty years to a British firm in exchange for little pay. Though in a short time...

Industrial Revolution in Europe, turned Asian countries to the primary suppliers of raw materials for West factory production, as well as a market for their synthetic products.
Discovery of Oil increased the colonial activities of the European in West Asia to provide fuel their factories. The efforts ended in the conclusion of Darcy’s contract under Mozzafaraddin Shah according to which, the Iranian government granted the concession of exploitation of south oil resources for sixty years to a British firm in exchange for little pay. Though in a short time, the company proved its non-compliance in the implementation of the contract. Constitutional movement, won national sovereignty and lead to the Iranians awakening. Following the expansion of public discontent and disgust for foreigners’ interfering in the internal affairs of Iran, post Constitutional parliaments and governments proposed some suggestions to modify the Darcy’s contract. However, due to some reasons including internal crises and the outbreak of First World War, no results were obtained.
In 1933, the records of the contract were burned because of what Shah called it a colonial contract. This action was followed by extra British government pressure on Iran and it was re-imposed on Iranian government with worse condition.
With outbreak of World War II, the Allied governments feared the German’s access to Iran’s oil wells and oil fields around Iran, so they occupied Iran and forced the Shah to resign and withdraw from power and the country. The fall of the dictator brought with itself the formation of political parties, groups and bands that were less formal.
At the end of the fifteenth term of National Council, Petroleum Amendment Act to 1933 Iran and the British contract, known as "Gass-Golshaian" was taken by the Prime Minister, Sa’ed to Parliament for ratification. But the activities of the minority in prevented the house from approving it. Non approval of the bill led to discussions on the side subjects and made the public opinion conscious of the affair, and the society became aware of the colonial nature of previous contracts.
National Front which had been formed recently had got most seats of the sixteenth Parliament in Tehran. These delegates, along with other colleagues, formed the minority faction in the Majliss led by Dr. Mossadeq, the first deputy of people of Tehran and Chairman of oil committee. The minority faction managed to organize the next oppositions and it was supported by the clergy, especially Ayatollah Seyyed AbulQassem Kashani.
The solidarity and unity of nationalist and religious forces whose concern was national independence, sovereignty and cutting off of foreign hands from Iran’s domestic affairs had led to the participation of crowds in the public scene and fall of  the governments that stood against national will. Then no one dared to face the people Parliament announced its submission to the will of people and the oil was nationalized, and the parliament retreated against the people and the national government of Dr. Mossadeq took the power in its hands. Unity of movement leaders mobilized the nation and enjoyed public support. In the shadow of this support, a wide-scale reforms of political, economic and social nature were performed.
UN Security Council turned to an arena to impose the demands of the Iranian nation on the old colonialism. In a country, where the appointment or removal of ministers, the provincial rulers, and even prime ministers were depended on consultations with foreign powers, and the Shah had to get their favorable opinion in his travels to the north or the south of the country, the British consulates and the branches of the British cultural council were disbanded because they had turned to anti-national conspiracy centers When Mossadeq in protest  to the obstructions and conspiracies of court along with the foreign interventions against the national government and the limitations imposed on his hands to restore order and security, resigned from his office, Ayatollah Kashani succeeded to mobilize the nation wonderfully to come to the scene and  push back the reactionaries and defend the achievements of the movement and announce their solidarity with movement leaders.
Meanwhile, the enemy found out so cleverly that as far as there is solidarity among nation, he would succeed to do nothing. Therefore, on his announcement issued on the first day of his taking the office, he promised to separate religion from politics to solve the oil crisis and establish security, restore security, and threatened not to have mercy on anybody on any position and punish the opponents severely, and leave no place for criminals from any social class to act freely under dry and inexorable law.
Qavam was a veteran politician with a plan of separation of religion from politics, and sowing the seeds of discord national and religious elements of the movement. The alliance, union and solidarity that had struck the most devastating blows to tyranny and colonialism, now was going to crack. 
Now that the Iranian nation who had absorbed the fragrance of freedom, would not consent to return to the previous situation Those who had bought bonds  and were ready to give up their properties, this time even sacrificed their lives  to stabilize and preserve the achievements of the movement,  and proved with their blood the nature of Iranians’ in seeking freedom.
June 21st uprising in 1331 was the decline of a short lived government which was formed only a short time before. The people’s government with all its specific authorities, broke its ties with the power which intervened in all aspects of the nations affairs. Despite all the problems, the negative balance policy was carried on with the support of public policy. Subsequent events were very deplorable and teaching.
Experience of June 21st uprising as a manifestation of national solidarity, and victory of democracy over tyranny and colonialism led the domestic enemies to think about tactics to break the national unity among religious leaders of the movement. Selfishness and underestimating the role of other contributors in the success of the movement and the personal whims of revolutionary forces urged the opponents to put fuel to the flaming fire intrigue and animosity. Devils and rancor that surrounded the movement leaders exploited the deficiencies and weaknesses, and deepened the gaps between them. Friendships gave their place to hatreds and unity to split. Split and the separation of national and religious forces lighted a fire that swallowed hundreds of young revolutionary men. The runaway fox came out of its den and had found an opportunity to strike horrific knocks on Religious and National Movement.  Later on it did not even realize Mossaddeq’s wish to be buried in the cemetery of the martyrs July 21st.

Story Code: 1562

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