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Khosrow Ruzbeh

16 Aug 2015 - 10:09

Son of Zia Lashkar, Khosrow Ruzbeh was born in Malayer, 1924. His elementary education was in American school of Malayer. He continued his high school in Hamedan. He was graduated in artillery branch from military college, and got his degree in mechanics from Technical School. Due to his dispute with the commander of anti aircraft...

Farideh Sharifi
Son of Zia Lashkar, Khosrow Ruzbeh was born in Malayer, 1924. His elementary education was in Americanschool of Malayer. He continued his high school in Hamedan. He was graduated in artillery branch from military college, and got his degree in mechanics from Technical School. Due to his dispute with the commander of anti aircraft artillery, he was exiled to Ahwaz for one month and a half. The he returned toTehran.
From Sept. 1941, he was engaged in teaching in the military college. Hr joined the Tudeh Party in 1943.
Reza Shah's fall and the collapse of his autocracy provided an opportunity for the political parties to restart their activities. Military organization (known as officer's organization) of the Tudeh Party was founded by Abd-ol-Samad Kambakhsh, Ezzatollah Siamak, and Khosrow Ruzbeh.
He continued his carrier in the military office until 1945. Following Khorassan officer's affair, he stayed in concealment for a period, the result of which was the writing of Blind Obedience. Subsequent to Azerbaijancrisis in 1946, the officer's Organization limited its activities since they didn't want it to be completely dissolved. He was arrested by second organ of army staff in April 6th 1947, and escaped in May 7th of the same year by Hessam Lankarani, Abolhassan Abbassi, and Saffieh Hatami.
It is said that he has been involved in some murders including the attempt on Mohammad Massud, the chief editor of Marde Emruz. He had published a strongly worded article against Ashraf, the Shah's sister for buying a very expensive fur coat. Anvar Khamei says:" Later it became known that she had not bought it; the father of Comintern Socialists, Stalin had given it to her as a gift". This affair was left unsaid up to when he confessed in his interrogations that he believed that Massud's revelations against Pahlavi family is a good excuse for the Pahlavi court to get rid of him, so he killed him and put the blame on the court.
Again, Ruzbeh was arrested in April 1948 and was condemned to 15 years of imprisonment. However, he escaped for the second time. When the coup was carried out against Mossaddeq's government, though large numbers of Tudehis were in different sections of the army, they didn't make an effective move against it. 
 Following the coup went joined the Qashqai tribe with Colonel AliAkbar Chalipa for a time. He continued his activities in the temporary executive board of the party which was collapsed by the arrest of its members. Due to the betrayal of his entourage, he was arrested at the end of an armed struggle in summer 1336. He announced Azim Askari to have betrayed him. Eventually, he was executed in May 11th 1948.

Story Code: 1733

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