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Hassan Pakravan

17 Aug 2015 - 9:23

Major general Hassan Pakravan, son of Fath-ul-lah Pakravan was born in 1911 in Tehran. Educated in Tehran and went to Paris to get military training where he graduated from the military schools of Poitiers and Fontaine Bleu. In 1933 he returned to Tehran and was engaged...

Fatemeh Moezzi
Major general Hassan Pakravan, son of Fath-ul-lah Pakravan was born in 1911 in Tehran. Educated in Tehran and went to Paris to get military training where he graduated from the  military schools of Poitiers and Fontaine Bleu. In 1933 he returned to Tehran and was engaged in teaching in the military school up to 1941. From September 1941 to 1949 was the commander of Bushihr garrison and security officer of the South Ports. He was appointed military attaché of the Iranian embassy in Pakistan and returned to Iran 1951. He was the chief of second division of army staff. Then in 1955 as a brigadier general was appointed the chief of office charged with guarding the frontiers. Following the establishment of intelligence organization of the country (SAVAK), headed by lieutenant general Bakhtiar, he was appointed as his assistant. From 1960 to 1964 he was the head of SAVAK.
Among main events occurred during his charge of the office, we may refer to 15 Khordad 1342 and the arrest of Imam Khomeini. When under pressure of religious groups, he went to EshratAbad garrison and ordered the release of Imam Khomeini. In Aban 1343, following Imam's strongly-worded speech in Qom against capitulation, major general Pakravan was ordered to exile Imam Khomeini to Turkey. Following the attempt on Mansur's life and coming to power of Howeida's cabinet, he was appointed the minister of intelligence ministry up to 1966. This was his last intelligence post. From 1966 to 1969, he was the Iranian ambassador in Pakistan and then Iranian ambassador in France up to 1973.
From 1973 to 1977 was the head of royal inspectorate and 1977 to February 1979 was an advisor to council and the head of Financial Affairs of Royal court. After the fall of Pahlavis, he remained in Iran, was arrested, went on trial and was executed in March 1979.

Story Code: 1741

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