Famine in Tabriz

Zahra Abbassi   The people of Tabriz played an important role in the success of the Constitutional Revolution. When MohammadAli Shah began to fight against the constitutionalists and bombarded the parliament (1326), the constitutionalist mujaheds led by Sattar Khan and Bagher Khan stood against the government troops and occupied some districts of the city.   Fearing the resistance of Tabriz Constitutionalists, MohammadAli Shah dispatched well-equipped forces to suppress the revolution, appointing Einoddowleh, governor of Tabriz as the commandant of the sent forces.   Helped by the pro despot landowners of Tabriz, he laid siege to Tabriz, and closed all roads to Tabriz to prevent the transport of food to the city. Tabriz faced famine. Eventually, some Russian troops, with consent of the British, entered the city to bring food for saving the lives of foreign subjects residing in the city (1909). The Russian troops since then remained in the city until the eve of the first world war (1914), and kept on their harsh and violent interventions. In the same period, the Russian forces executed Mirza Ali Agha SaghatolEslam Tabrizi, a great liberal constitutionalist who objected to the Russian meddling in Iranian affairs. (1330)
  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

  • Famine in Tabriz

    Famine in Tabriz

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