Zahra Abbassi
Researches on many events of Iran’s contemporary history would not be possible except that of surveying the question of oil and its role in historical events. Some of experts call 1921 coup as the oil coup. Renewing D’Arcy’s contract in 1933 is a turning point in Iran’s contemporary history. The Azerbaijan event had undeniable connection to the oil question; the rise of national movement and Dr. Mossaddeq and 19 August coup were all disputes over oil. The Consortium contracts after the coup and in 1970s, the sudden rise of oil prices at this time and severe fluctuation in the economies are all among the facts that necessitate regarding this product as the main income source of Iran.
The oil contracts had been concluded under military pressures of the governments. The 1933 contract was concluded at a time when martial law had been declared in Tehran. Oil has been the basis of Iran’s single product economy. Furthermore, has been a political good in most cases, and this is due to this fact that during the past one century, Iran’s political economy had been a function of this product. Many of approaches in domestic and foreign policies had deep roots in oil. The following records represent some junctures in Iranian history.
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