Mahmood Mirza Hosseini
Colonel Mohammad Taqi Khan Pessian was appointed commander in chief to Khorassan Gendarmerie in Nov. 1920. According to the documents, he endeavored to suppress the bandits and maintain the order in that district. He encouraged the tribes to join the Gendarmerie and developed this force. When the coup government took the power in its hand, following the order from Seyyed Zia, Colonel Pessian arrested his friend, governor of Sistan and Baluchistan, Ahmad Qavam_os_Saltaneh and sent him toTehran and became the military governor of that province.
When Qavam became Ahmad Shah's premier, Colonel asked for permission to leave for Europe, which was not agreed to. When NajafQoli Samsam_os_Saltaneh became the governor of Khorassan, he was driven to corner and rebelled against the government. Eventually he lost his life in a fight against Quchan Kurds.  
  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian
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