Parvaneh Babaei   Dar ul-Fonun is the school name that was founded in 1889 by Amir Kabir, the royal vizier to Nasereddin Shah. The building had 50 rooms. Amir Kabir, after traveling to Europe, founded that Iran needs to develop in science and technology and decided to establish a higher level of primary and secondary school. He could persuade Nasereddin Shah and then determined the school location. The school was planned by Mirza Reza Mohandes Bashi. After the school completion, he hired foreign teachers from French, Germany and Austria and finally got the Austria teachers are more appropriate than others. He asked monsieur John David the translator to hire the qualified Austria teachers. Unfortunately, when they arrived in Iran, Amir Kabir had been ousted.   The students were 14 to 16 years in this school. The Education Period for anyone was seven years but later changed to four years. There were various courses in the school such as History, Geography, Cartography, mathematics and architecture. The school expenses were paid by the military budget and in the early years, students received salary. Mirza Taqi Khan Amir Kabir was one of the two men who could improve situations from Aqa Mohammad Khan era to the reign of Nasereddin Shah but alas, he was deposed.   Dar ul-Fonun was established next to the Royal Palace and where soldiers were in military training and Mirza Reza Khan Mohandes Tabrizi planed it and built by Mohammad Taqi Memar. Of course, 80 years later, Etemad-al Saltaneh destroyed it and a Russian architecture planed a new building.   Dar ul-Fonun was the first Iranian university which was taught different courses there, such as Infantry Training, Cavalry Training, Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy. Initially, the foreign language was French and the school regulations create after Constitutional Revolution.   Dar ul-Fonun was the first university of the past 150 years which had seven colleges and the education period was seven years. These colleges including: 1- Department of Literature, 2- Mathematics and engineering school, 3- Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, 4- Department of Mineralogy, 5- School of Infantry and Artillery, 6- Military Schools, 7- Faculty of Fine Arts. People like Etemad al-Saltaneh, Ehtesham al Saltaneh and Mirza Jahangir Khan Sur Esrafil were graduated of the school and many of them were involved in the constitutional movement. The school foreign teachers were people such as Zani, Poulak, Nemir and Gómenz and the budget was determined by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Beaux Arts.   In Dar ul- Fonun, the injection of smallpox vaccine was free of charge. One of the school head master was Mohammad Khan Mir Panje. To school teachers were awarded based on their serving. The cabinet or the Ministers Board considered the Iranian and foreign teachers' complaint such as amounts of salary and…   One of the actions which were done to appreciate Amir Kabir was the installation of his sculpture in Dar ul-Fonun by Ebrahim Hakimi.
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