Eftekhar Blarashk   Throughout the history, unpopular and illegitimate governments used various procedures to prove their power and legitimacy and linked their own regime to ancient historical past. One of those Shah actions for making his fake identity was converting Jalali calendar to imperial without considering Iranian religious beliefs. Some of government agents such as Jalal-al-Din Shafa, Hadi Hedayati and … were prepared the arrangement of the solar date converting to royal. In March 1975, the joint session of the Legislative Assembly and Senate was held and the government's three urgency plan was sent to Majlis and approved.   Based on this calendar, Iran calendar changed and Cyrus coronation became epoch and instead of the Solar Hijri date announced imperial date and the year of 1355 was altered to 2535.Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi attempted to compare cultural values to Persia and ancient Iranian kings. It should be noted that the adoption and implementation of this rule was encountered to clergyman and public opposition and it caused that the government abolished the law in August 1978 and it forced to replace the Imperial date with the Solar Hijri date.
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