Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Mohammad Khatami's service records [M 288-157-71] (page 2)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Mohammad Khatami's service records [M 288-157-71] (page 1)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Appointment of field martial Mohammad Khatami as a member of Physical Education organization's council [B 213-1-2]
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's order appointing Mohammad Khatami as the general manager of financial affairs of Ministry of Commerce [M 288-157-73]
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Mohammad Khatami's note relating his sense of having unsafe carrier, his role in reinforcement of Iranian air forces, his idea about being a pilot; officers' giving bribes to flight course trainers [KH 11464-32-4] (page 2)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Mohammad Khatami's note relating his sense of having unsafe carrier, his role in reinforcement of Iranian air forces, his idea about being a pilot; officers' giving bribes to flight course trainers [KH 11464-32-4] (page 1)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Khatami's note, criticizing general Ayadi's hesitation and obstruction in sending military staff to foreign countries for medical treatment resulting in Colonel Dargahi's death; his endeavor to help his staff. Ayadi and Saniei's intrigues to declaring air forces as being obstinate [KH 1146-32-3] (page 3)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Khatami's note, criticizing general Ayadi's hesitation and obstruction in sending military staff to foreign countries for medical treatment resulting in Colonel Dargahi's death; his endeavor to help his staff. Ayadi and Saniei's intrigues to declaring air forces as being obstinate [KH 1146-32-3] (page 2)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Khatami's note, criticizing general Ayadi's hesitation and obstruction in sending military staff to foreign countries for medical treatment resulting in Colonel Dargahi's death; his endeavor to help his staff. Ayadi and Saniei's intrigues in declaring air forces as being obstinate [KH 1146-32-3] (page 1)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Khatami's note on the necessity of having boldness in office, feeling unsafe after thirty years of service and making improvements in air forces, Colonel Guilanshah's dissatisfaction for not having enough boldness to discuss the existing problems [Kh 11564-32-2] (page3)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Khatami's note on the necessity of having boldness in office, feeling unsafe after thirty years of service and making improvements in air forces, Colonel Guilanshah's dissatisfaction for not having enough boldness to discuss the existing problems [Kh 11564-32-2] (page2)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
Khatami's note on the necessity of having boldness in office, feeling unsafe after thirty years of service and making improvements in air forces, Colonel Guilanshah's dissatisfaction for not having enough boldness to discuss the existing problems [Kh 11564-32-2] (page1)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
A copy of marriage contract document belonging to Major General Mohammad Amir Khatami and Fatemeh Pahlavi [P 8625-12-1] (page 2)
Field Martial Mohammad Khatami
A copy of marriage contract document belonging to Major General Mohammad Amir Khatami and Fatemeh Pahlavi [P 8625-12-1] (page 1)