The Committee of Punishment
[412-21] (page 2)
The Committee of Punishment
A letter to the cabinet members confirming major Ostovar, his avoiding political topics, accusing major Mahmud, deputy to the chief of Police, his brother, Mohammad, and Emad Homayun in the organization of terrorist groups including the above mentioned people in the document [412-20] (page 1)
The Committee of Punishment
Letter of Mohammad ibn Zeinalabedin, the leader of Friday prayer to the prime minister, Ahmad Qavam to request the release of GholamHussein Afzali and Hajj Esmail Irani, accused with the charge of killing Mirza Ahmad Khan Ostovar [N-60254]
The Committee of Punishment
Letter of Mohammad Zeinalabedin, the leader of Friday prayers on Tehran to the Prime minister, Fathollah Akbar to request the release of GholamHossein Afzali from jail provided that he attends the interrogations in the due time [N-60213]
The Committee of Punishment
Request made by Mohammad ibn Zeinalabedin, Yahya Khoi, and Mohammad Mussavi for the release of GholamHussein Afzali accused with the charge of killing major Ostovar [N-60217]
The Committee of Punishment
The minister of interior, Aboulfath Tabatabai’s reply to the prime minister, Hassan Moshiroddowleh, declaring that GholamHussein Afzali, the ex chief of commissariat of fourth district of Tehran has been found guilty and condemned to 15 years of jail in the forts outside of Tehran. [N-60218]
The Committee of Punishment
Akbar Nakhjavani’s letter (from jail) to the Prime Minister, Hassan Moshiroddowleh, protesting against his verdict of three years in jail without any interrogation and trial even after having spent two years in jail [N-35048]
The Committee of Punishment
[412-5] (page 3)
The Committee of Punishment
[412-4] (page 2)
The Committee of Punishment
A copy of the chief of police, Westedahl’s letter to the minister of Justice, HassanAli Nassrolmolk stating his dissatisfaction with failure in investigating his case against Mirza Mahmud Pahlavi for accusing him in the murder of major Ostovar [412-3] (page 1)
The Committee of Punishment
[N-3114] (page 3)
The Committee of Punishment
[N-3113] (page 2)
The Committee of Punishment
A copy of the court martial verdict on the trial of the accused people with the charge of major Ahmad Ostovar’s assassination [N-3112] (page 1)
The Committee of Punishment
Westedahl’s reply to the prime minister, Fathollah Akbar denying the intervention of the Police in the release of Emad Homayun from jail [412-25]