Rozita Miri
Richard Milhous Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California, 9th January 1913. His father, Francis Anthony Nixon moved with his family to Whittier in 1922. As a child, he both helped his father to make living and attended the school. He was graduated from Wittier College in 1934, and gained a scholarship and entered the law school of university of Duke. When graduated, he returned to his hometown and practiced law. He married Thelma Katherine Rayan, called Pat in 1940. One year later, he was invited to Washington to enter public service. He entered United States navy in 1942.  In 1946 became a member of congress from California. In 1950, he entered the Senate. He became vice-president to Dwight Eisenhower in 1953 and remained there until 1968. In 1960 elections, he was defeated by John F. Kennedy, but later in 1968 elections, he was the republican candidate and entered the White house. He delivered a speech on American foreign policy in 25 July 1969, known as "Nixon Doctrine". He put an end to Vietnam War.
The thirty seventh president of the United States, Nixon attained other great successes in foreign policy including establishing relationship with China, and avoiding tensions with The Soviet and conclusion of a treaty for limiting strategic arms.
In 1972 elections, he was elected as the president for the second time, but the water gate scandal forced him to resign in 9th  August 1974.
With regard to the close relations and mutual ties between Iran and United States, Nixon had two visits to Iran, the first time as vice president after 19 August 1953 coup in Iran, and the second time as the president of the United States.
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