Ibrahim Hadidi
From the very beginning of the Mossadeq’s taking the power in his hands and nationalization of oil industry, the thoughts to launch a coup and military intervention in Iran were played by some of British circles. However, the solidarity and cohesion of the pro nationalization groups and the early opposition of the US government to this project, delayed the realization of it.
Through setting off their espionage network and seeping into the national and religious organizations by the British, and the Eisenhower’s being elected as the US president, and fearing the expansion of the Soviet influence, the schemes were planned to carry out a military coup by CIA in Iran.
The coup plan was named T.P. Ajax and Kermit Roosevelt left for Iran to handle the affairs; the British called it the Boot operations and sent Christopher Woodhouse to carry out their plans. The secret network of Shahpur Reporter and Assadollah Alam and the Rashidian Brothers supported by the British Rochild family were engaged in a series of activities called Bedaman. Their main task was to create a state of disorder, unrest and plunder. Various demonstrations held by the Tudeh Party, appointment of major general Zahedi as the minister of interior, dubious presence of Shams Qanatabadi in Ayatollah Kashani’s residence, the murder of Afshartus, and many other events set the scene for Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, enjoying the support of the US and the British governments, to depose the prime minister, Mossaddeq, and Colonel Nassiri had the mission to deliver the firman to Mossadeq, but he was arrested by colonel Momtaz and the coup was foiled; the Shah made his escape  from Iran accompanied by Sorayya Isfandiari, Mohammad Khatami (as pilot) and Aboulfath Atabay to Iraq and then to Italy. Again, in the 19th of August those involved in the coup project took advantage of the inactivity and confusion of the government (despite its having been informed of the coup through a letter sent to him by Ayatollah Kashani), and the armed forces accompanied by the hooligans and rascals poured into the Tehran streets and brought Mossaddeq’s cabinet into end in the afternoon of the very day. The prime minister surrendered with some of his cabinet members, and major general Zahedi became the minister of coup and three days later Mohammad Reza Pahlavi returned to his throne.
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