Mehdi Jangravi
Son of Yavar Mohammad Khan Pessian (Enayat-os-Sultan), Colonel Mohammad Taqi Pessian was born in Tabriz, 1892. He passed his elementary education in Tabriz, and then entered the military school ofTehran. In his twenties he became second lieutenant. He was promoted gradually to become a captain. He followed his military education in Gendarmerie officers' school. Having not completed his course, he was commissioned to Brujerd to deal with the Lors case. He was injured in a fight and was promoted to a major for his participation in this battle. He became commander in chief of Hamedan battalion. During world War one and invasion of Iran by other powers, his bravery in Mosalla battle became known to all. He went to Germany to attend a course of aviation. He returned to Iran and was sent to Khorassan as the head of Gendarmerie. Following Seyyed Zia's coup and the formation of the new government, he was on mission to arrest Ahmad Qavam. He confiscated his properties and sent him to Tehran under guard himself became the acting governor of Khorassan.
Subsequent to the fall of Seyyed Zia, Qavam-os-Saltaneh was released and received his order of premiership issued by Ahmad Shah. Colonel was removed from his office and was replaced by Najd-os-Saltaneh. The dispute between Qavam and Pessian led the former to send orders to the heads of Khorassan tribes to suppress the colonel. Eventually, colonel lost his life in a fight against Quchan Kords in J'afarabad near to Quchan. The Kords cut his head off his body.
His funeral was held with the appropriate ceremony and the presence of military authorities and local dignitaries in Meshed in 6th Oct. 1921. He was buried near to Nader Shah's tomb in Naderi Garden inMeshed.
Colonel Pessian was a brave man; at the time of death, he was only thirty years old. He was devoted to Persian literature and music. He has let some poens, translations and articles behind.
  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian

  • Colonel Pessian

    Colonel Pessian
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