The years between 1925 and 1945 might be considered as the most important and critical years of Iran’s contemporary history, as there was shown great attempt to change the cultural and social institutions of the country, ending ultimately in the political dominance of Pahlavi Regime...
Cultural Institutions of Iran under Reza Shah’s Reign
Vida Hamraz
The years between 1925 and 1945 might be considered as the most important and critical years of Iran’s contemporary history, as there was shown great attempt to change the cultural and social institutions of the country, ending ultimately in the political dominance of Pahlavi Regime.
The establishment of dictatorship, encouragement of ancient centered nationalism, keeping distance from the Islamic values and support of the western culture were the main features of Reza Shah’s cultural policy which were carried out through taking recourse to force. In this regard, many centers were established and many regulations were built to give speed to the projects.
Simultaneous with the European style modernization, the main pivot of the changes were the establishment of absolute political system, and encouragement of exaggerated ancient oriented nationalism while stress was being put on the uniqueness of Arian race. The socio political “reforms” of that period were carried out with a look to the realization of those goals.
Modernization, as the basis of Reza Shah’s cultural policies, had already begun in Iran by adopting European style of living from Qajar period. On the whole, four main stages could be spotted in this process:
1. Making of nonreligious laws and renewal of ministry of justice;
2. Encouragement of uniform and European costumes;
3. Women’s removal of veil;
4. Establishment of modern educational system

The forming of academy of Persian language, founding the organization of breeding of ideas, change of Anno Hegirae calendar, and encouraging of nationalism in the country are among the main features of the new modern educational system.

Due to the dominance of Islamic culture, the removal of veils was not that easy they had thought of. So the government of  he time focused on the formation of societies and centers.

In June 1935, the Ladies Center was founded under Shams Pahlavi, and Tehran’s Girl Students participated in an official celebrations wearing special costume. The compatriot Women’s Society and the Ladies’ Center had important roles in the execution of Reza Khan’s plans.
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