Brigadier Abbas Farzanegan was born in 1293 in Tehran and studied in Americans college in Tehran went to America to continue his education. On his return he worked in Bisim office and later went to England for education. After returning, he joined the army was liaison officer with the American military advisors. He then was deployed to U.S. as an Iranian military agent...
Abbas Farzanegan
Fatemeh Moezzi
Brigadier Abbas Farzanegan was born in 1293 in Tehran and studied in Americans college in Tehran went to America to continue his education. On his return he worked in Bisim office and later went to England for education. After returning, he joined the army was liaison officer with the American military advisors. He then was deployed to U.S. as an Iranian military agent. At the same time, he was associated with the CIA. The organization provided him a safe house in Washington and gave him special training on operational and intelligence issues. After trainings, he returned to Tehran in Tir and worked for CIA as the main factor for the coup. Farzanegan was correlated with Colonel Carroll, head of military of CIA in the coup operation. And he invited other factors related to the U.S. military to the coup operation such as Major General Batmangholich, Colonel Mohammad Hassan Akhavi, and Colonel Zand Karimi and arranged their meetings with Col. Carroll at the American Embassy. These meetings repeated several times until 17 Mordad and some sessions were held at the Farzanegan’s house. In 20 Mordad 1332, Farzanegan met Zahedi. In this three-hour meeting, Zahedi asked Fazanegan to act as his liaison with Americans. Colonel Farzanegan asked Batmangholich and Colonel Zand Karimi to participate in the meething to assure Colonel Zahedi. The last meeting between Carroll, Akhavi, Zand Karimi and Fazanegan was held on 24 Mordad in which the operation was investigated once again and the operation was subjected to the signing of the decree dismissing of Mossadegh and replacing Prime Minister Zahedi. On the same day, Farzanegan and Batmangholich met Zahedi. He was appointed to manage radio controls along with several other military when Nasiri is going to declare the dismissing sentence to Dr. Mossadegh. But Zahedi asked them to not rush in it. At midnight of 25 Mordad, Farzanegan, Ardeshir, Zahedi and General Gilanshah ware ensured of Nasiri’s victory and wanted to visit the city but on way they noticed that the coup had failed to be operated. After the defeat of the coup, Zahedi did not stop communicating with Farzanegan and for security of Zahedi, he moved to Farzanegan’s brother house in Amaniyeh hills. Farzanegan with two other colonels were responsible for the protection of Zahedi.
Farzanegan and other people who involved in the coup were working on a new plot to implement the second coup. Roosevelt has introduced him as Mohsen Tahoei in his book. In the meeting between Roosevelt and other people who involved in the coup, according to Farzanegan friendship with Teymur Bakhtiar, the Colonel Commandant of the Corps of Kermanshah, they asked Farzanegan to meet Bakhtiar and ask him for help. On the morning of 26 Mordad, he went to Kermanshah by using the facilities of the U.S. Embassy and with an employee of CIA. On 27 Mordad, the military governor of Tehran during an announcement asked “retired Col. Abbas Farzanegan introduce himself to the military governor for some researchers within 24 hours”. On the morning of 28th Mordad, Farzanegan arrived in Tehran and announced to CIA that Teymur Bakhtiar is ready for cooperation. After the success of the coup makers, Zahedi ordered Farzanegan and Carroll to announce the end of the operation. Farzanegan was appointed to appointment of military commanders as well as arresting opposition leaders.
Colonel Abbas Farzanegan was appointed as the Ministry of Post and Telegraph and then as various embassies due to his close cooperation in the implementation of the coup in Zahedi’s government.
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