Asad Allah Rashidian was the second child of Habib Allah Rashidian and like his father related to the English. Assad has not highly educated thus he got a businessman and in the World War II, he was the broker of English and could get abundant benefits. On August 1941, He got the advocate of Seyed Zia–al Din and joined in National Will Party. After the arrival of Mossadeq government...
Assad Allah Rashidian
Fatemeh Moezzi
Asad Allah Rashidian was the second child of Habib Allah Rashidian and like his father related to the English. Assad has not highly educated thus he got a businessman and in the World War II, he was the broker of English and could get abundant benefits. On August 1941, He got the advocate of Seyed Zia–al Din and joined in National Will Party. After the arrival of Mossadeq government, Rashidian Family activities began to protect the Great Britain's interests. Robin Ziner, the Britain secret agent, came to Tehran to manage affairs. He has a long friendship with Rashidian Family; therefore, he resumed the relationship and paid monthly to Rashidian Family to give MPs to make difference among parliamentarians and to create instability into Oil Nationalization Movement.
After declining of Qavam government on July 21, Assad Allah Rashidian realized that he had to use the coherent structures to collapse the Mosaddeq government. Thus, several meetings were held in Fazl Allah Zahedi's house with retired officers, other English agents and Rashidian Family but they were arrested on September 1952. He was imprisoned for a few times. After the closure of English embassy, The Britain agents were assigned to CIA in Tehran and Rashidian Family were related to the agency. On July 1953, Assad Allah Rashidian went to Paris to meet with Ashraf Pahlavi to involved her into coup d'états. The meeting had an effective result on agents and Ashraf went to Tehran and followed the government. After meeting of Ashraf and Shah, Rashidian, as the Britain spokesman, negotiated with Shah and convinced him to do the coup. These meetings took several times and eventually, the coup d'états won on August 28 and the Mosaddeq government declined by the activities of Rashidian Families, their agents and MI6 and CIA agencies. After the coup, he achieved many awards due to the protection of the Pahlavi dynasty such as the foundation of the distribution and cooperative credits bank. Assad Allah was one of the gun brokers between Iran and America and he got many great benefits of these bargains. Before the Islamic Republic, he drove out his capital from Iran and also, he went to England. He died at the early of 1980s.
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