Hossein Makki, son of Bagher Meibodi was born in 1911 in Meibod near to Yazd. He educated in Meibod andYazd. Then he came to Tehran and continued his education in Persian literature, Arabic grammar, logic and mysticism. Later on, he edited Asheq Esfahani, Golzare Adab, and Diwan Moshtaq Esfahani. After 1941, when there was an open political atmosphere...
Hossein Makki
Sakineh Karimi
Hossein Makki, son of Bagher Meibodi was born in 1911 in Meibod near to Yazd. He educated in Meibod andYazd. Then he came to Tehran and continued his education in Persian literature, Arabic grammar, logic and mysticism. Later on, he edited Asheq Esfahani, Golzare Adab, and Diwan Moshtaq Esfahani. After 1941, when there was an open political atmosphere, he published his articles in Mehre Iran, Keyhan, Ettellaat, Ettelaate Haftegi and Ayandeh. At this time he made acquaintance with Malek-ash-shoaraye Bahar, and published three volumes of his Twenty Year History of Iran.
In 1943, he founded Iran party through cooperation with some engineers. In 1945, was appointed assistant toTehran's mayor, then appointed general manager of the ministry of labor. A member of the Democratic party at the request of Qavam, and was the head of the organization in western Iran. Entered the fifteenth Majlis from Arak. Opposed Gass-Golshaiyan contract in RazmAra and Saed's governments. Formed the Minority faction with Dr. Baqhai in the sixteenth Majlis cooperating with Dr. Mossaddeq opposed RazmAra's government strongly.
He was a member of objectors against the sixth Majlis elections, and took sanctuary with Dr. Mossaddeq and some of newspaper editors in the Shah's palace. Elected a correspondent of the oil commission in this period and joined national front in 1949 as a secretary. As a member of the mission to dispossess Anglo-Iranian oil company, he went to Khuzestan and after three months brought down all the signboards of Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and received letters of thanks from Dr. Mossaddeq and Ayat-tol-lah Kashani.
Was Tehran's first member to the 17th Majlis. From July 21 afterwards, he kept distance with Dr. Mossaddeq and worked closer with Ayat-tol-lah Kashani and Baqai. However, he was sent by Dr. Mossaddeq to ask for the support of the International bank of Iran's case. Through letters dated August 23 1953 opposed Dr. Mossadeq's trial in military court. Following an attempt on Hossein Ala's life, he was under arrest almost for one month.
He founded "Freedom Watch" organization with Dr. Mozaffar Baqai in 1960. The activities of the organization were prohibited. He left political activity and turned to researches on the contemporary history.
After the Islamic Revolution he continued his Twenty Year history of Iran. Among his other works is included: The Black book in eight volumes, Seyyed Hassan Modarres' life (two volumes), July 21st Events, Oil and Makki's Speech, Makki's Interpellation, Baqai and Haerizadeh, A Collection of Dr. Mossaddeq's speeches,Political Memoir (two volumes) and Golestane Adab. Eventually he died in 1999 due to cancer.
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