Son of Mirza Mohammad Khan Entezamossaltaneh, Nasrullah Enteza Vaziri was born in Tehran, 1899. After his secondary education in Iran o German high school, he entered the school of law and political sciences. When he received his degree at law, he was employed in the ministry of foreign affairs. He worked for 8 years in this ministry...
Nassrollah Entezam Vaziri
Farzaneh Babaei   Son of Mirza Mohammad Khan Entezamossaltaneh, Nasrullah Enteza Vaziri was born in Tehran, 1899. After his secondary education in Iran o German high school, he entered the school of law and political sciences. When he received his degree at law, he was employed in the ministry of foreign affairs. He worked for 8 years in this ministry and held some important offices including second secretary to Iranian embassy in Paris and Warsaw. He was the chef of the third political office of the ministry of foreign affairs and the head of the bureau of treaties and League of Nations.   Following to the cancellation of D’Arcy’s concession, the British presented its complaint against this action to the secretariat of the League of Nations, 1932. In 1933, Iranian delegation headed by AliAkbar Davar, the minister of justice attended the sessions of League of Nations and replied to the questions.   In this mission, Nassrollah Entezam had an important role and responsibility; he had to prepare the text of defense. Davar used these documents to answer the questions of the British minister of foreign affairs. Entezam was the head of foreign protocol of the court and his mastery of French, English and German languages helped him to act as an interpreter and translator.   Subsequent to the fall of Reza Shah and the political changes resulting from the presence of allied forces, Entezam became one of the high authorities of the country.   He became the president of Iranian delegation to the United Nations in 1950. In the same year, he was appointed Iranian ambassador to Washington. However, after two years he was recalled by Dr. Mossaddeq and was replaced by Allahyar Saleh. Saleh resigned from Iran’s embassy in 20th Aug. 1953 and Entezam was again appointed as Iranian ambassador to the United States by Zahedi’s cabinet. He held his office for four years.   He was appointed minister without portfolio in Assadollah Alam’s cabinet. However it was for a short while and he was appointed Iranian ambassador to France and headed for Paris soon. Upon his return from Paris, he was retired. However, he was among the influential figures of Pahlavi regime until the end of this dynasty. He was appointed as the head of general congress of Rastakhiz party in its first term. He was a freemason and was a member of Mehr and Vafa lodges.   He played an important role in 19th August coup and at a time when he should work for the interests of his country, he was in full connection with the alien spies.   Accordign to Qassam Ghani, Entezam received huge amount of money from the Jewish people to prepare the ground for the recognition of Israel by Iranian government. It was important for the Jewish to be recognized by a Moslem nation.   After the Islamic revolution, Entezam spent some time in detention. After his release, he died in 1981.
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