Son of RajabAli (Mansur-ol-Molk), HassanAli Mansur was born in Tehran, 1913. Following his education he entered the faculty of law and political sciences of Tehran University, and backed by his powerful father, he entered the service of foreign minister. He became a member of Iran’s delegation to...
HassanAli Mansur
Fatemeh Moezzi
Son of RajabAli (Mansur-ol-Molk), HassanAli Mansur was born in Tehran, 1913. Following his education he entered the faculty of law and political sciences of Tehran University, and backed by his powerful father, he entered the service of foreign minister. He became a member of Iran’s delegation to the Paris peace conference. Then he stayed in Paris as Iranian attaché to the embassy in France.
His next mission was to Germany where he became acquainted with AmirAbbas Hoveida. On his return to Iran, he was employed in various administrations and became a deputy minister of finance and the acting director of the high council of economy in Iqbal’s administration which included pro American young ministers. In the reshuffled cabinet, Mansur became minister of labor and then went to the ministry of finance. In cooperation with some young pro American politicians, he founded the “progressive center” one of its main decision makers being Colonel Gratian Yatsevich. Yatsevich attended the meetings of the members. Other members included AmirAbbas Hoveida, Pash Bahadori, Mansur Rowhani, and …, Mansur and Hoveida being the president Subsequent to the formation of this center, Mansur was preparing himself for the majlis. He was successful and entered the 21st term of Majlis as the second member of Tehran. Advised by the Americans, the progressive center was replaced by the Iran party of which Mansur was general secretary. He was looking for a situation which was prepared for him by his American friends.
Assadollah Alam was replaced by HassanAli Mansur, in March 1964. His first policy was to establish friendly relationship with the clerics and empowered Javad Sadr to meet with and talk to Imam Khomeini who was detained by the previous administration in Qeitarieh. In this meeting Sadr gave Imam his order of release. Then Mansur began his programs and proposed the bill for the judicial immunity of the American advisers. The Majlis members rejected the bill. But in his defense of the bill, he even lied to reporters and claimed that it was only for the military advisers and did not include the other advisers.
His statements led to some hesitations on the American side and Rockwell asked for explanations; Mansur’s efforts led to the ratification of the bill which raised the anger of the clergies and Imam Khomeini delivered a strong speech against it which led to his exile to Turkey.
In this regard, Dr. Mossaddeq wrote a letter to Mansur from Ahmadabad to protest against the ratification.
Eventually, Mohammad Bokharai of Islamic coalition groups made an attempt on his life in front of the Majlis building. He was transferred to the Pars Hospital and some American, French and British doctors attended to save him. However it was of no use and he died in January 26th 1964.
His wife was Farideh Imami Khoi, daughter of Dr. Nezamaddin Khoi. Mansur’s wife believed that Mansur’s assassination was done through the Shah’s direct order. After the funeral of his husband, she left Iran according to the Shah’s order.
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